Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Who I Am.

I'm Tabitha.

I'm 17.

My birthday is March 27, 1995.

I have blue eyes.

My hair is ever-changing. Naturally it's a dark blonde/light mousy brown.

I'm 5'1.

I wear a size 7 1/2 shoe.

I'm a lover of life.

I'm a Christian.

I'm a die-hard Laker fan. (basketball in general, I love.)

Cake and ice cream are my weaknesses.

Neon yellow...that's my favorite color.

The ocean is like a part of my soul. I could spend all day playing in the water, digging my toes in the sand, letting the waves carry me to shore. I love it.

I love photographs. My whole life I've loved them.

I like taking pictures.

I love shopping. Any kind of shopping. Clothes, groceries, shoes.

I love writing. I like to take words and make sense of them on paper.

I love my friends and family and I don't tell them enough.

I love sunsets. I love sunrises.

I love taking walks. Especially with people I love.

I'm still a kid, and I always will be one at heart.

I don't like animals. at all.

I like exercise.

I'm ichthiophobic. That's an intense fear of fish.

I like babies. I like little kids. I like junior highers.

Immature is a word boring people use to describe fun people. If that's true, than I'm immature.

I'm myself. That is who I am.

There's more to me than meets the eye.

I'm always thinking, day dreaming, making up fantasies in my head.

I could probably think of more things to write, but for now, that's all I have to say.

Who am I? That is who I am.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome :) I love posts like this! You really get to 'know' the person :) I can not understand how you can't love animals though...? :O Ahhh!! Haha, never come to my house- we have a ton! ;D Thanks for entering my giveaway ♥



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