Friday, February 24, 2012

It's been awhile...

Sorry guys, I guess I don't know how to use Blogger's scheduled post thing... Well, I've got a few back up posts then. :)

I love those glasses!! I got them at the .99 cent store...steal! :)

For now, just a note to say hey and I will be doing some winter camp posts soon! :) Yay!

So yay for random sunglasses pictures? I used my camera's colorsplash option, so not as accurate as could be on some, but I love it. :)

See ya later, alligators.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Palm Trees

One of my obsessions. I love them. Everywhere I look I see one, and that is very literal. One of the blessings of living in the good ol' CA.

 California is full of palms these days. It was not always like that. Only one species of palm is native to the state: The California Fan Palm (scientific name: Washingtonia filifera). From early on in California's history, people have realized that the sunny mediterranean climate would suit many additional types of palm trees. Some people brought palms from the east coast (Sabal palms, Butia palms, Royal palms), some brought palms from Europe (Date palms, European Fan palms), some brought palms from Asia (Windmill palms, Chinese Fan palms), and some more brought palms from Mexico (Mexican Fan palms). All of these different palm species added to the "palmy" environment Californians love so much today.

Read more:

So yes, clearly I like taking palm tree pictures. :P Sorry, I'm obsessed. :D

This is a scheduled post. :) I'm currently up in the mountains hopefully frolicking in snow!!! :D


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ignore me

ignore me.

OOTD! :) Plaidness

I looovveee plaid! :)
Awkward angle but full view of my outfit. :) Sorry, my shirt looks low, it really isn't.

I love sepia, but this was supposed to be in color!!! Silly Lizz. :P

I wore this Saturday on a nice moderate day. It was only 75 degrees out with a breeze. Very pleasant.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines....and Jesus' love.

Ok, it's Forever Alone day!!! :D

Today is a day that people's minds are often focused on love. Who they love; their friend's love; I don't know, but for some reason, today is lover's day.

Gifts are exchanged, roses given, people mope in their aloneness. :)

Well, let's not forget that today, we all have a very special Valentine, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It was he who gave the best gift anyone could ever give. Eternal life in heaven. Praise him.

If you don't know 100% for sure you will go to heaven, settle it now.

Realize you are a sinner in need of a Savior, and that Jesus Christ, God's perfect Son, sacrificed his life for us.  Such love is hard to grasp. I am so thankful he loved us.

Believe Christ died for you, and accept him into your heart. Tell him you need him, you accept him, and love him. Tell him you believe his death brought you salvation. his blood, it's washed you clean. God won't remember your sin anymore, past present or future! how wonderful!

Thank him for doing so much for you. he will never leave you once you invite him in.

A good end to the story? he rose again!!! he is waiting for us in heaven! God is awesome isn't he? :D

So today, if you are thinking about your status of aloneness, remember, Jesus is your Valentine!!!

And if you've got a Valentine, Jesus can be your Valentine too!

Love ya'll! :) happy v-day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cold, Wet days...

So I'm really excited, I leave for winter camp tomorrow!!!! I cannot wait, but I can't tell if there is snow on the mountains because it is so overcast.

Now, I am not complaining. I love rainy, overcast days. This is especially good too because it usually means snowy mountains!!!!!!

Today, I stayed home from school due to an unexpected flat tire (not complaining there either!) and I'm not missing much. Mondays are half days and due to winter camp, there is no school the rest of the week, so hurray.

I took my siblings outside to take some pictures of them. :)
I am not good a portraits or people pictures! I want to learn more about them.
Jumping off the rock. :)

So of course, I had to do it too! :)

Monkey child...

I like this one.

Sky pictures are my favorite. :) 

A couple of cuties.
I was cleaning the bathroom, but I'm super sensitive to bleach so I went outside. I probably should have put shoes on. My feet were freezing!

Rain drops in a puddle. :)

Praise God for rain! I love it!

I have some scheduled posts for when I'm at camp, so stay tuned for those. :) Talk to you all later.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friendship..the perfect blendship

Friends...they're awesome, aren't they.

I thank God for my friends. Two of my closest friends are up there. We may not always get along, but we've got each others backs. I love you girls. You're the bestest. :D

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cake and Ice Cream

Today is my little brother's 11th birthday! I also got my camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (More on that later.)

So here are a few pictures I snapped really quickly. :)

They wrote his name on a plastic film because it didn't fit on the cake.

Lighting the candles.

And they burn.

And they blow.

Out of order! :) I really like this one.

Wow, another out of order? lol

Cake and ice cream.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I decided to post some photos I had taken back when I had my little Casio Exilim. :) I'm in a photography mood, guys.

For some reason, this is one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken. I'm not sure why, but I really love it. 
I always loved pictures like these. 

One time, I stayed up until sunrise; I had to snap some pictures. It was gorgeous and the dew on the window made it even prettier.

From the same sunrise, only later. God's creation is amazing.
My friend's cat back when she was a tiny kitten. :)
Rose bush. :)

So delicious. Best. donuts. ever. Yummmaaa

Be expecting tons of photography posts coming up!!! I am so excited!!

God is so good.

I love photography. I have one problem though, I don't own a camera. Well, I do, but they're all damaged. I'm really excited because now, I am getting basically my dream camera for so much cheaper than I expected.

What is my dream camera?

This. The Canon 300 ELPh hS. 

It might not be a DSLR, but I really just wanted a point and shoot with good quality and this is it.

It was really expensive though. Too expensive for me anyways. Little by litte, time went on and the price kept getting lower and lower.

Sears had it for 137 and I was really excited. Best Buy has it for only 129.99. 129.99. It is a savings of 100 dollars, and I can get it before I leave for winter camp on the 14th. I am so excited. God is good. God is good.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This life of mine...

New blog title. New blog design.

I like it. I'm not near being a blog designer...not even close. I'm just learning as I go. :) I really like the new blog name, new blog header.

Well, let me know what you think.

New blog address: (probably temporary.)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cracker Barrel?

You know what totally isn't fair. There is not a single Cracker Barrel in California. Not a one.

I used to think Cracker Barrel was strictly an Eastern/Midwest kind of thing.

Then I saw one in Arizona. And we didn't have time to eat there.

So, I don't get it. haha. I went online and searched Cracker Barrels in California...not. a. single. one.

I heard so many good things about it too, and I really want to try it. have you ever eaten at Cracker Barrel? Is it any good? 

Crackel Barrel is in 42 states. Us other 8 are feeling left out. I get why they aren't in Alaska and Hawaii, but why not continuous states like California?

Oh well, one day I shall eat there, I bet it won't be as good as I'm expecting either. lol