Thursday, October 25, 2012


I miss blogging so so so much guys!!!! I decided to pop and just give a little life updated. I gotta keep you all posted! I bet everyone forgot about me haha

Well since I last blogged I've dyed my hair black! :) (I always liked black hair best on me:D)

I started school (mixed emotions) so sad it's my last year, yet so glad at the same time. The first few weeks of school were rough to say the least, but I was able to work some stuff out and I got out of the math class I was in which was the root of all the evil, and now life is so much better. Ferreal.

Umm what else? Maybe maybe I will get my license next month maybe (yes 3 maybes were necessary!). If I get it, I'll pop in to blog about it. :)

Hmm wow I should've thought this post out! Well let's see. My best friend broke up with her boyfriend, my other two best friends who were together broke up, so my best friend and the other best friend got together. Confusing and drama. Two things I despise haha.

Oh and I was featured as a friend of fresh modesty on!!! So excited about that!

Ok well I'll leave my blog up for a while. :/ then it's back to never ever blogging land until who knows when.

Oh and I went to a football game which was fun. The picture is my friends Elisa, Elyse, Elizabeth, and then there's me. Tabitha. Or I shall
Change my name to Eltabitha so as not to break the El pattern....

<3 to all.

Fall...I adore thee

I love fall. With a passion. The beautiful colors, the wonderful smells, the crisp air, the sunrises...the list could go on for days.

Living in my part if Southern California. We don't experience fall. Or winter. Or spring. We experience summer for sure though.

I got to wear a jacket the other day. I took a picture to remember the moment. :)
I would love to live in a place with mild springs where everything is flowery and green, and then warm sunny summers that don't last 11 months, and then beautiful falls where the leaves change colors and you can wear scarves and hats and jackets and boots, and then cold harsh winters with snow and wind and sledding and snowball fights and snowmen.

That is not where I live. It usually goes like this.

Spring---around February it gets warmer. Usually into the 80's.
Summer---starts around Feb/March. Temperatures starting at 90 and quickly climbing to 100 and them 110+. By October, it's usually down to 95-100.
Fall---if we're lucky, the last week of October, we'll be in the 70's. cold enough for a sweater. By November it's usually 65-70 degrees and that is our fall.
Winter---December-January. The coldest months. Usually averaging 65 or something. There can be certain 50 degrees cold days but they're rare.

Then it's summer all over again.

But I still love fall. On my street there are trees that actually change color sometimes! I love it!

I really just like the break from the never ending heat.

I want to bake again now that it's cool enough. I need to get some stuff ASAP.

Well I hope you all are enjoying your fall. What's the weather like there? And do you have seasons?