Thursday, June 28, 2012

I don't have to pretend anymore...

That's me behind the wheel of a car, and the best part is, it isn't a fake picture. I really drove after this picture was taken. That makes my heart swell with happiness. :)

Forever, I would take pictures of myself behind the steering wheel and wish I could actually drive, and now that I can, I'm so happy. :D

I drove with my mom yesterday for the first time, and I really thought that my mom would be the calm one and my dad would be the nervous one. Well, my mom was a nervous wreck, and I was driving really good! It wasn't nearly as scary as the first time.

I wasn't even nervous like at all, and we pull out of my gate, and the street we pull out onto is usually really busy, and it's a 45 mph zone and I looked both ways, and there were no cars at all as far as I could see, so I start to pull out and then I hear a honk and there is a truck like 2 inches away from me. He had to be going 60 mph, because he came out of nowhere. My mom even was like, "Where did he come from?" So maybe that wasn't the best way to start out driving with her, but I was perfectly fine after that.

I can't park though. It's frustrating.

After we tried parking, I drove to the church to pick my little sister and some kids up and my mom kept telling me to slow down, but I wasn't even going the speed limit! haha She was really nervous.

I haven't driven with my dad yet. I was thinking he would be the nervous one, but he might actually be the calm one; I think he'll be a backseat driver though. haha

What I'm really excited for is driving with my friends! :)

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