Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ombre hair! :) and other stuffs.

So, this is my post about my ombre hair! Yay! I've wanted ombre hair for sooooo long! Ever since I first saw it on Pinterest I was in love! I've tried and I've tried to get it, and finally after a lot of processes to get my hair from black to blonde, it worked! I am in love with my hair, I don't know if that is weird but it doesn't matter haha I love my hair! So once we get past all my hair pictures, we'll get to the parts about summer and my life happenings haha
I was so excited it look ombre! I had been trying and trying and finally just bought myself some bleach and did it! Woo!
         I really liked the way my hair looked in this picture. Not just the color but the actual way it looked haha.
 I realized this post is gonna make me look like a conceited kinda person. I'm not conceited haha I just wanted some pictures of my hair and I took a lot. Well, this is embarrassing haha.

I really liked the way my hair looked in this picture. Not just the color but the actual way it looked haha.

Ok, so all of these pictures are after I was working in the hot sun on Memorial Day making money for the Senior Class of 2013!!! :)
Haha, I look retarded. ^^^

I liked how my hair was like flowing in the wind. lol If I wasn't making such a derp face it would've been a cool picture.

 Ombre!!! In my sister's messy room haha Well, we share a room, but when I left it was clean and when I got back it was messy, so yes,  it is my sister's messy room. :)
Ok, so I decided to put this up here for who knows what reason. This was after I had done this super amazing workout. I pulled my hair out of the bun and took a picture. Why? I don't know. Why I'm posting it? I don't know.

My last day of school face! Woooo! 

My ipod fell out of my pocket. :( It still works, just the glass is cracked. I'm going to replace it. 

Alright, so now I write about my life. School's out! Yes! I've never been excited for summer in my life, but this year, yes, I was excited! No more homework! Yessss! Below is a picture of my friend Kyle doing some acrobatic moves during the last 4 minutes of our junior year. haha In the background you see Leo with the guitar looking normal, and Christian next to him, looking like quite the creeper...
My sister and I before school yesterday. haha

My brother and I before school.

My locker all ready for summer!!! :)

So yep! Summer is here, my ipod is cracked and my hair is ombre! Well, I'm super glad it's summer. It's crazy that I'm going to be a senior! Kindergarten was just yesterday!!!! Wow, life REALLY flies!

Talk to you all later! :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Health and Fitness (Dos)

This is my second health and fitness post. Go check out my first! :)

  • Exercise! Yay! Exercise is awesome. You feel better, you look better, you're happier, exercise is amazing. Make time for it! I really want to exercise in the morning more. I started doing it lately and I love it. It's the perfect start to my day. Exercise whenever the time is best for you. If you find it hard to exercise, create a schedule. Decide what area of your body you are going to focus on and for how long. Maybe make a list like 50 jumping jacks, 20 crunches, 30 squat jumps, repeat 3 times. Anything you'd like. If you have cable and you have On Demand, there is usually an exercise section. I really like these!
  • Get inspired. Pinterest and tumblr are my favorite places to get inspiration! Pinterest is probably best because VERY RARELY will there be anything inappropriate. Create a fitness board on pinterest and look at it from time to time. Repin things like exercise routines, quotes, health tips, etc. Sometimes, looking at pictures of people will inspire you,  but sometimes it won't. A lot of times, model's pictures are photoshopped and the results are unattainable. Looking at real people before and after pictures can be quite motivating though. 
  • Workout jams! Find your workout music! Music really does help you get moving, even if it is just a mini dance party in your room alone, you are exercising, and having fun. Pandora is a great place for music! Fast, upbeat stuff is best for working out of course!

Thank you for reading my blog! <3 to all.

p.s. I dyed my hair ombre and I love it! I am planning on doing a post with pictures really soon! :))

Friday, May 25, 2012

Health and Fitness

I am not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but I am really into health and fitness. I don't know why I am, since my parents really aren't, and I wasn't raised to be this way, but I am.

Don't get me wrong, I love my junk food, but I have learned to eat less of it, and smaller portions.

I decided to do a few little health and fitness posts as summer is around the corner, and that usually means people are ready to get healthy and fit. :)

ONE: my number one tip is drink water!!! This is so important. Water is essential to life, but many people don't drink as much as they should. Take water with you everywhere you go. Drink before, during, and after workouts. DRINK THAT H2O!!! :)

TWO: we hear a lot of talk about healthy eating, but if you're a teen living at home, it can be hard to eat healthy, especially if your family doesn't. Encourage your parents to buy healthy stuff. My dad likes to take us kids to circle k a lot to get candy bars. What I like to do instead of getting candy, is I will get a granola bar or a cereal bar, a healthier tasty alternative.

Make sure you are eating plenty of and veggies!

THREE: allow yourself some junk food. It isn't good to completely deprive yourself of junk food, because you will crave it and eat a whole bunch when you get the chance. If you are out with friends, enjoy the ice cream or brownies. I like to eat junk less often, because it is a special treat when I do eat it.

I am going to post three more fitness tips soon.

Remember you are beautiful just the way you are!!! :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Giveaway at A Modest Fashion Blog!

One of my favorite fashion blogs, A Modest Fashion Blog, is hosting an amazing giveaway from! I really want to win! :))

You should go check her blog out. If you like modest fashion, and great spiritual posts, you will love her blog.

I don't know Natasha personally, but she seems like a very sweet person! She is very pretty too! So go check out the giveaway and her blog!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Senior Class of 2013 Yard Sale.

The sign.
First of all, I am extremely exhausted. I've been in the hot sun for three days straight. I don't usually burn, but I did a little on my neck and i am mad about that, yes. It better turn tan soon.

My tanlines haha
I am going to be a senior. Cray-cray!!!

at the library
I go to a little private school and my class is the biggest with 23 students. 21 participated in the yard sale. Anyways, we are raising money for our senior trip next summer and we want $800 a person. We wanted to go to Hawaii, but we will probably end up just going up the coast. It's what everyone does for their senior trip though.

We ended up raising $4200. The record for a FBA senior yard sale! Here are some pictures. :)

early morning starbucks run. My second time.

my friend put flowers in my hair.
4 of the guys asleep. haha
M,y temple run high score!
Ordering at Del Taco lol
Flowers. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Random post because I can't fall asleep.

It's true. I can't fall asleep. It's 12:22 am here but I'm just not tired. I haven't blogged in awhile, so I figured I would. :)

I'm currently instagraming (MissBrookiie) (I love instagram!), playing draw something with a friend who also can't sleep, and I'm texting said friend.

Here's some random pictures. :p

I think 2 are of LA, one is of me and my bro in our laker swag, and two are of me and my bestestestest friends EVER. and one is of a picture I drew when I was bored one day.

Peace out home dogs, I gotta hit the hay. :p

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday sunrise

This morning, I captured this picture with my iPod as I got ready.

I love sunsets and sunrises. They leave me in awe and literal breathlessness. God's an awesome artist.


My friend told me that I looked snazzy today, so that is what I'm titling this post.

The past few days, I've worn ankle length skirts/dresses, so today I decided to break the pattern (?) and wear a knee length pencil skirt.

I love white skirts; I love pencil skirts. I don't wear pencil skirts that often just because they're kinda formfitting, so but this one is the perfect balance I think.

Since the skirt is tight, I wore the loose shirt with it to balance that out. During the day I tucked the shirt in, but I untucked it because I like it better untucked. I almost wore it with a belt, tucked in, but obviously I didn't. :)

Purple shirt (the tag is gone)-thrifted
White pencil skirt (Mossimo)-thrifted
Black Nine West peeptoe heels--thrifted

I feel like renaming my blog The Thrifting Maniac or something. It's rare I buy anything new. I Just can't do it lol.

I wore this to church :p

Friday, May 4, 2012

God's protection and grace

Today, my class began our senior trip fundraising. The first fundraiser is always the yard sale. We all had the day off school to go pick up donations and to hand out flyers.

One of the boys in my class was driving his dad's truck with a trailer behind it. Three other boys in my class were in the truck with him.

All day long they were out picking stuff up And we got some really great things. For the last pick up, they had to go drive up this hill and for some reason, they chose to take the trailer off.

They were gone for awhile when we received a text saying the car had flipped over 7 times and had fallen down a ravine. We were told the boys were in the hospital. It turned out that they weren't in the hospital, but the rest of the story was true.

At this point, we didn't know how they were doing and we were quite freaked out.

Then, one of the boys who was in the accident arrived looking ok. We were sooooo happy to see him!!!

I guess, the boys were driving uphill when the driver lost control of the car and it flipped off into the ditch.

The amazing thing is, they all made it out with minor injuries. The car is totaled...completely flat, but our guys are ok!

One of the boys hardly ever wears his seatbelt, yet he chose to wear it today. If the car would've landed slightly ahead of where it did, the boy in the passenger seat would've been crushed between a large rock and the truck. The boy in the passenger seat saved the driver's life by grabbing him before the roof caved in exactly where he was. The trailer wasn't connected to the truck and if it was, someone probably would've died. God protected these boys today and we Are soooo grateful!!!

The driver ended up receiving a few cuts on his arm, and I believe a minor cut on his head. The passenger received quite a few cuts on his head from the windshield breaking, but he is ok. One of the boys in the back received an injury to his hand and the other boy has a hurt leg and back but all of them are alive and they should be dead.

I am so grateful that God protected them. This has made us realize what an amazing God we have. It has also helped us realize how much we love and care about each other.

Before we left today to do pickups, we prayed a prayer of protection, and God protected us. I cannot thank God enough. If I am able to get the picture I will post it so that you can see the truck.

Once more, THANK YOU, LORD!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mixing prints/50's style?

I wore this with the wedges for school and with the tennis shoes for a party.

I dress up for school everyday because it is the dress code. We can't wear denim or tennis shoes. :(

I like mixing prints, but this is only the 2nd time I've done it. It isn't quite as bold or daring as some, but I really liked it. What you should do is check out this blog ( She is like, the master of mixing prints. I'm not as brave as she is and I also don't think I could pull it off as well. Haha.

Oh, and I think this outfit is kinda 50ish. It felt that way to me.

Another thing is, I love tying button-ups at the waist. I think I like how it is rather slimming and how it makes an outfit look, better, than being untied and just buttoned (at least this outfit) Plus this shirt is missing every button but one. Haha

Floral shirt-thrifted
Skirt- I can't even remember
Tennis shoes-thrifted

I'm a thrifting maniac guys. Haha

Oh another thing about mixing prints. I really liked doing it this way because it coordinated. You know like the blue flowers match the blue in my skirt? The kind of stuff you'd say when you were a little kid. :)

Ps since im using the blogger app for the iPod the pictures are in weird orders sometimes, and they always are at the end of the post...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Coral and khaki

It's really awkward taking pictures in the church bathroom. Lol

I'm obsessed with maxi dresses. I seriously would wear them all the time if I had enough. :)

Coral maxi dress---thrifted
Khaki jacket---Papaya
Shoes---American Eagle thrifted

Today was semi-cold. It was beautiful. I love cold weather as much as I love maxi dresses. It was somewhere between 55-60 degrees and yes, that is freezing :)

I apologize for the awkwardness of these pictures :) I'm still trying to figure out a good pose lol