Thursday, June 14, 2012

Just chillin'

Today I woke up rather early for summer (6:59 am. :D) and went on the computer a bit, then I took my little brother for a really long walk/run. It was really nice out today. Usually the weather is in the 90-100's by May, and by June, we are all sweating to death. Today it was like freezing for us Southern California people, like 64 in June? unheard of! It was awesome, I know it'll warm up later, but having it be cold for a while was awesome. Cold weather is mah favvorrriitteee. :) I always say that 54 degrees is my favorite temperature and I like it overcast and rainy and *sigh* I love fall, even though we don't get very much of a fall/winter here. :(

How creepy is this picture? haha I feel like every post needs a picture, so I was looking through some of the pictures on this computer, and wow, I creep myself out! haha. I like my headphones though. Legit sound.

I think I need to dedicate an entire post to this. ^^^ Go-kart riding in my friends huge backyard...amazing. haha Look at his face! LOL I'm glad I still look human! haha

Well, I might post later, maybe not. I think I should take my camera out and take some pictures. :) Have a good day everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Hello Tabitha!

    Thanks for entering my giveaway.
    It's alright if you don't like the FB page.

    Just do one of the extra entries(:

    -XO Abbigayle Rashae


I loooovveee comments. Sometimes they make my day! So don't be afraid to leave a comment. :) Love life. <3