Thursday, February 21, 2013


This blog will be going private in a few days. If you would like to be able to read my blog, please leave a comment below with your google account email. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Almost the end...

I honestly cannot believe it.

At the beginning of this year I was practically depressed that my high school years were coming to an end. I was scared to grow up and move out and on. I would literally cry every night when I would think about it.

Now, with only three months left until the end, I am so excited. I cannot wait until I receive my diploma and my life really starts.

It's scary, because I don't know what my life will be like after I graduate. I don't even know what college I want to go to yet. I still need a job, and I don't know if I'll make it to the fall semester of college, but inspite of all of that, I am so excited to be done with school.

My eighteenth birthday is on the 27th of next month, and that is insanity in itself. 18? No way. That's a legal adult here. I am not an adult! Are you kidding?

The only reason I want to be eighteen is so that I can drive my friends around without an adult. It would be awesome to be able to just go to the mall with my friends whenever I felt like it. :) And we have a few Venice Beach/Los Angeles trips planned too and for that I cannot wait.

So my childhood days and my school years are coming to a halt, and my college years and adult life will begin. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time.

Another change that I will be experiencing soon is I am moving from the town I have lived in for ten years to a new town (well it's not really new to me.) to my grandma's house. It is 45 minutes from where I live and I will have to drive down everyday to go to school here for the last few months.

Before, I was really negative about the whole thing, but now I feel better about it because I ignored the cons and looked at the pros.

  • It is only 23 miles away from Los Angeles
  • There is so much more to do there.
  • It is a nicer neighborhood
  • There is a really nice pool and jacuzzi in my grandma's housing track
  • More money for my family which will be an amazing blessing

Something sad though is I have to move churches. It is really sad because it is my last year to be here before moving for college, but I know I'll make it and I can still visit occasionally.

Well three more months, and I will be a regular blogger again! I miss blogging so much,

I love you all! :)