Monday, June 11, 2012

Things I Want

My birthday was in March. Christmas is in December. There are no upcoming occasions that I would receive gifts out of (haha), but that doesn't mean I don't want some things. :) I am not usually a person who really ever wants anything. After I got my camera and my iPod, I was happy. I seriously wanted nothing. For Christmas, I only wanted an iPod, for my birthday, I said I didn't want anything, but now suddenly, I want stuff. haha

First and foremost, I want drivers-ed classes so I can finally drive a vehicle. I've wanted this forever though, but after I FINALLY get enough money for that, I want to save up to buy some new stuff. I don't usually get new stuff. My clothes come from thrift stores, my shoes, they usually come from thrift stores also, haha but I need some new tennis shoes, and I don't like buying those at thrift stores. Usually, I'd buy these at Payless, but I decided I wanted to get some name brand shoes. They last longer, and name brand, well it's

Converse! I have ALWAYS loved Converse. I never thought of ever getting a pair of tennis shoes in any other style, and I'd really like a pair of plain ol' black chucks. Love them.

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Vans! So I just said, that I never thought of ever getting another style of shoes, but lately, I've been looking at Vans, and I'm starting to actually like the style. I'm also a HUGE sucker for NEON!!!! Neon shoes, especially, and Converse didn't have any SUPER SUPER bright neon, and Vans did, so, I think I wanna buy these! :) I think one reason that Vans have been growing on me is because Vans are HUGE in California. Everybody wears them, and I might as well jump on the bandwagon, hey? And I like them, so why not?

So, after I finally go to drivers-ed, I want to buy these shoes! :) Savin' up y $$$.

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