Friday, April 13, 2012

Spirit Week!!

It was spirit week at my school and it was really fun! :) We had two dress up days, Nerd Day and Sports Day. I'm currently uploading the pictures to my family computer. 921 of them. I am obsessed with beach sunsets. Like 500 of those pictures are beach sunsets. The other 421, who knows. lol

So I am going to try to post more. I really love blogging. It's so hard to blog lately since blogger won't work on my own computer. :/ Well, this will do, my posts are gonna be less frequent, although more frequent than as of late.

Ok, so first Nerd Day. I only got one picture! :( It slipped my mind to get pictures with my friends. I am dumb. lol
Me and my lil sis. :)

close up of my face haha

Now for Sport's Day. LAKERS REPRESENT!

We seriously had way too much fun with these pictures. lol We were jumping in the hallway, cracking up, and people were staring. We all know each other though, it's a small school. :)

Stay tuned because I just wrote up three posts that are scheduled to go up in the next few days. :)

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