Thursday, April 26, 2012


So, I filmed the 10 Random Questions tag on my iPod, and when I uploaded it to my computer, IT WAS UPSIDE DOWN! It took me so long to get that video going and to top it all off, the video was seven minutes

I am working on trying to get it up, it is just taking me forever! Meanwhile, go watch Hannah's video! After I saw her video, I decided to do this tag! :)

1 comment:

  1. Mine has been awful as well! I tried doing it about 5 times on my own camera, but it would stop about 3 seconds in. Then I tried it on my mom's camera around 3 times, but it would stop about at 28 seconds. Then, I asked for my mom's old camera but the battery was dead. Finally I got it going but it didn't turn out as well as I thought. I'm trying to upload the video onto my post right now but it's taking forever. I swear if it ends up not working I will SCREAM! It's been awful, ugh.

    -XO Abbigayle Rashae


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