Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oceanside, California--PART ONE

I've been to Oceanside so many times lately! Such a beautiful place. I'm in love. These pictures are from quite a while ago. I was still on spring break. These are probably 3 weeks old. I am finally posting them. YAY!
First sight of the beach!

It was a nice, sunny day, but the water had to be 50 degrees.

My little brother. :)

The pier.

This giant bird just sat there and let us get super close! 

This seagull also let us get REALLY close to her!

<3 palm trees

Trying to get a jumping silhouette picture. I jumped.

Both of us in the air! :)

The start of the sunsets.

I went photo crazy and took a million sunset pictures. I decided to make a separate post with the rest. The sunset got GORGEOUS. I am talking GOOORRRGGEEEOOOUUSSS!!!

That day was so much fun. :)

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