Saturday, April 14, 2012

Before the end of summer...

I've been seeing little summer bucket lists all over the place lately. I decided to make my own. I don't like summer. In fact, I hate it. I don't mind the no school part, but I hate insanely hot weather and summers are sooooo long here! Well, summer weather at least. The good thing about summer is the next season is Fall--MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. I love Fall soooo much I capitalize it. In your face, English!

Well, with summer coming, I decided I want to enjoy it. I will hopefully have A/C and with that, I don't mind summer. Without it, it's like living in the "bad place". Seriously. The house gets HOT.

1. Be able to drive!!! I am 17 years old. In California, you can get your permit when you turn 15 1/2. I was 16 when I got my permit. The next thing to do is go to behind-the-wheel one time. The instructor signs your permit and bam, you can drive with your parents. Take the classes two more times, drive for 50 hours and wait 6 months and you get your license. Easy right? Well no. I've had my permit forever. I finished driving school in October 2010!!! So my goal this summer is to finally be able to drive. I want my license by October. fingers crossed. I am PATIENTLY waiting for $239.00. Praying eBay works out well for me!!

2. Buy a good straightener. I really want to get a good one. One I can use to straighten and curl my hair with. :)

3. Get some kind of job besides eBay. This might not happen.

4. Have money in a college fund. College is close! I have no money, and I know my parents want to pay for a lot of my college, but I still want to do something! Preferably more than $1.00. $100 would be nice.

So that is a really small list of goals, but they're very big goals. (besides the second one) I'm hoping I enjoy this summer!

Who knows, I may think of more things to add to my summer bucket list later. :)

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