Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hai guys!!!

This post is about makeup. :) that is super random haha. Well anyways today I accidentally put too much bronzed on. I was trying to lightly dust my cheeks and it ended up being dark and it looked bad. Haha so I took a picture and was gonna put it on instagram but when I applied a filter, i Liked the way it looked. Lol do that is the first picture.

I like makeup but on my own face I like it light and natural. ;) I also don't mind going without. To me makeup is just fun. ;D

The second picture is a before and after. Me with no makeup (actually I think I still have a bit of leftover mascara on) and me with a TON of makeup lol. I told my friend I wanted to overdo it and look fake and plastic lol.

Well I hope you all have a fabulous day or night!

Tomorrow some of my Arizona friends are coming to visit! Yaaaay!

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