Sunday, April 15, 2012

A new one for my bucket list.

Learn to play guitar.

Yesterday, I posted about my summer bucket list. I also decided yesterday evening that I would like to learn how to play the guitar. I play the piano, but at the moment I don't have a piano or even a keyboard and I love playing music, making songs, and stuff like that.

There is a nice guitar on eBay for 35 dollars and I would like to buy it. I will wait until AFTER driver's ed though, of course. That comes first and foremost (after money for God. haha)

I am really excited!!!


  1. Sounds fun! I'm teaching myself ;) We could give each other tips!!!


  2. I've played the piano since I was 8 yrs old! I actually just bought a $30 guitar, haha. It needs to be tuned and then I can start practicing(:

    -XO Abbigayle Rashae


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