Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blue And brown

My first try using the blogger app for an outfit post. :) let me know if you like it ok. :)

I wore this dress for school and for Youth group stuff and I was gonna wear it for Bible study but I don't feel so well so I came home.

The dress is from Motherhood. Yeah it's a maternity dress. Lol I got it at a thrift store.

The cardigan is from Kathy Lee collection. A friend gave it to me.

The shoes are from Hot Kiss. They were from a friend. I injured my foot and the doctor said no heels (or working out) until it gets better. Yes it's sad.

The belt is from the same thrift store as the dress.

I took the pictures in the church bathroom. I thought the sound was off on my iPod. Turns out it wasn't and it made a shutter sound when I took the picture. There were other people in the bathroom. Yeah, it was awkward. Lol

1 comment:

  1. Awhh, thanks for your sweet comment! I swear I'm not graceful though, haha(:

    I think you should do more outfit posts; I like them alot!

    -XO Abbigayle Rashae


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