Saturday, July 21, 2012


Guuuyss!! I'm so stoked for camp!! (oh yeah, I said stoked!) ((a word I never say verbally lol))

It's on MONDAY!!

I'm excited for camp mainly because I get to see my Arizona peoples!!!! Aaaah!!! I only see them twice a year. When they come to our camp, and when we go to their youth conference. We are all so excited, it is hard to contain my emotions!!

Camp is from Monday-Friday so I will be gone for a while. :))

Please pray for a safe trip for everyone. There are people traveling from Arizona and New Mexico who have VERY long bus rides and then there are those of us from California who have about a. 2 hour bus ride. Going up the mountain in a bus is kinda scary and last year two buses broke down so pray for that.

And also, please pray for soft hearts. Camp is a time many great decisions are made.

If you could also pray my camera charger shows up. I want to take pictures!!

Thank you everyone!! Have a great week!


  1. Have a great time at camp! I am going to one in two weeks. :)

  2. Have a fun time at camp Tabitha-hopefully you've found your charger! :) Let me know when pictures are up!
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