Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pictures of Spring

A few days ago, I took my camera outside and I took a few pictures of spring. :)

  Spring isn't my favorite season. Fall is. But spring is beautiful. People always say it's a reminder of new life and new beginnings. 

 Spring is full of beautiful colors. I always think of spring as fresh. 
 Spring is when warmer weather comes, and to some this may be a joy, to me it isn't. I prefer the cooler weather of fall and winter. :)
Spring is a time for playing outside.

 Spring is a time for blowing bubbles. :) Always fun.
 Spring is a reminder of how amazing our God is. How He makes new life.

Spring, is beautiful. :)
Spring is fun.
Spring is here, but not for much longer.
Can you believe it is already May!?!

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