Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mixing prints/50's style?

I wore this with the wedges for school and with the tennis shoes for a party.

I dress up for school everyday because it is the dress code. We can't wear denim or tennis shoes. :(

I like mixing prints, but this is only the 2nd time I've done it. It isn't quite as bold or daring as some, but I really liked it. What you should do is check out this blog ( She is like, the master of mixing prints. I'm not as brave as she is and I also don't think I could pull it off as well. Haha.

Oh, and I think this outfit is kinda 50ish. It felt that way to me.

Another thing is, I love tying button-ups at the waist. I think I like how it is rather slimming and how it makes an outfit look, better, than being untied and just buttoned (at least this outfit) Plus this shirt is missing every button but one. Haha

Floral shirt-thrifted
Skirt- I can't even remember
Tennis shoes-thrifted

I'm a thrifting maniac guys. Haha

Oh another thing about mixing prints. I really liked doing it this way because it coordinated. You know like the blue flowers match the blue in my skirt? The kind of stuff you'd say when you were a little kid. :)

Ps since im using the blogger app for the iPod the pictures are in weird orders sometimes, and they always are at the end of the post...

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