Monday, May 28, 2012

Health and Fitness (Dos)

This is my second health and fitness post. Go check out my first! :)

  • Exercise! Yay! Exercise is awesome. You feel better, you look better, you're happier, exercise is amazing. Make time for it! I really want to exercise in the morning more. I started doing it lately and I love it. It's the perfect start to my day. Exercise whenever the time is best for you. If you find it hard to exercise, create a schedule. Decide what area of your body you are going to focus on and for how long. Maybe make a list like 50 jumping jacks, 20 crunches, 30 squat jumps, repeat 3 times. Anything you'd like. If you have cable and you have On Demand, there is usually an exercise section. I really like these!
  • Get inspired. Pinterest and tumblr are my favorite places to get inspiration! Pinterest is probably best because VERY RARELY will there be anything inappropriate. Create a fitness board on pinterest and look at it from time to time. Repin things like exercise routines, quotes, health tips, etc. Sometimes, looking at pictures of people will inspire you,  but sometimes it won't. A lot of times, model's pictures are photoshopped and the results are unattainable. Looking at real people before and after pictures can be quite motivating though. 
  • Workout jams! Find your workout music! Music really does help you get moving, even if it is just a mini dance party in your room alone, you are exercising, and having fun. Pandora is a great place for music! Fast, upbeat stuff is best for working out of course!

Thank you for reading my blog! <3 to all.

p.s. I dyed my hair ombre and I love it! I am planning on doing a post with pictures really soon! :))

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