Friday, May 4, 2012

God's protection and grace

Today, my class began our senior trip fundraising. The first fundraiser is always the yard sale. We all had the day off school to go pick up donations and to hand out flyers.

One of the boys in my class was driving his dad's truck with a trailer behind it. Three other boys in my class were in the truck with him.

All day long they were out picking stuff up And we got some really great things. For the last pick up, they had to go drive up this hill and for some reason, they chose to take the trailer off.

They were gone for awhile when we received a text saying the car had flipped over 7 times and had fallen down a ravine. We were told the boys were in the hospital. It turned out that they weren't in the hospital, but the rest of the story was true.

At this point, we didn't know how they were doing and we were quite freaked out.

Then, one of the boys who was in the accident arrived looking ok. We were sooooo happy to see him!!!

I guess, the boys were driving uphill when the driver lost control of the car and it flipped off into the ditch.

The amazing thing is, they all made it out with minor injuries. The car is totaled...completely flat, but our guys are ok!

One of the boys hardly ever wears his seatbelt, yet he chose to wear it today. If the car would've landed slightly ahead of where it did, the boy in the passenger seat would've been crushed between a large rock and the truck. The boy in the passenger seat saved the driver's life by grabbing him before the roof caved in exactly where he was. The trailer wasn't connected to the truck and if it was, someone probably would've died. God protected these boys today and we Are soooo grateful!!!

The driver ended up receiving a few cuts on his arm, and I believe a minor cut on his head. The passenger received quite a few cuts on his head from the windshield breaking, but he is ok. One of the boys in the back received an injury to his hand and the other boy has a hurt leg and back but all of them are alive and they should be dead.

I am so grateful that God protected them. This has made us realize what an amazing God we have. It has also helped us realize how much we love and care about each other.

Before we left today to do pickups, we prayed a prayer of protection, and God protected us. I cannot thank God enough. If I am able to get the picture I will post it so that you can see the truck.

Once more, THANK YOU, LORD!!!!!!!

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