So, this is my post about my ombre hair! Yay! I've wanted ombre hair for sooooo long! Ever since I first saw it on Pinterest I was in love! I've tried and I've tried to get it, and finally after a lot of processes to get my hair from black to blonde, it worked! I am in love with my hair, I don't know if that is weird but it doesn't matter haha I love my hair! So once we get past all my hair pictures, we'll get to the parts about summer and my life happenings haha
I was so excited it look ombre! I had been trying and trying and finally just bought myself some bleach and did it! Woo!
| | I really liked the way my hair looked in this picture. Not just the color but the actual way it looked haha. |
I realized this post is gonna make me look like a conceited kinda person. I'm not conceited haha I just wanted some pictures of my hair and I took a lot. Well, this is embarrassing haha.
I really liked the way my hair looked in this picture. Not just the color but the actual way it looked haha.

Ok, so all of these pictures are after I was working in the hot sun on Memorial Day making money for the Senior Class of 2013!!! :)
Haha, I look retarded. ^^^
I liked how my hair was like flowing in the wind. lol If I wasn't making such a derp face it would've been a cool picture.
Ombre!!! In my sister's messy room haha Well, we share a room, but when I left it was clean and when I got back it was messy, so yes, it is my sister's messy room. :)
Ok, so I decided to put this up here for who knows what reason. This was after I had done this super amazing workout. I pulled my hair out of the bun and took a picture. Why? I don't know. Why I'm posting it? I don't know.
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My last day of school face! Woooo! |
My ipod fell out of my pocket. :( It still works, just the glass is cracked. I'm going to replace it. |
Alright, so now I write about my life. School's out! Yes! I've never been excited for summer in my life, but this year, yes, I was excited! No more homework! Yessss! Below is a picture of my friend Kyle doing some acrobatic moves during the last 4 minutes of our junior year. haha In the background you see Leo with the guitar looking normal, and Christian next to him, looking like quite the creeper...
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My sister and I before school yesterday. haha |
My brother and I before school. |
My locker all ready for summer!!! :)
So yep! Summer is here, my ipod is cracked and my hair is ombre! Well, I'm super glad it's summer. It's crazy that I'm going to be a senior! Kindergarten was just yesterday!!!! Wow, life REALLY flies!
Talk to you all later! :)
Your hair looks cute, I like it. I had ombre hair for a while and loved it.