Thursday, December 20, 2012

Test Video

If you chose to watch this, be forewarned: I'm weird, on a sugar high and bored. :) <3

p.s. I updated my about me page. It's about time I did haha!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Don't give me a webcam...

I will take a lot of weird pictures of myself...

Hi there. I'm tan because it's summer

wow cool settings

hello there beautiful sister

lets be weird together!

hey im crazy....

parttaayy...jk cuz yeah...

am i cute yet?

this is my creepy, "i'm going to jump out of your mirror any moment" face

quack quack


such a model...

hi guys, marry me!!!!
Well clearly, I'm bored and I needed something to post, and well there you have it! I'm borrowing my dad's laptop and looking through the pictures I found all of these haha...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Happenings

Hello there followers. Normally at 6:05 pm on a Sunday night, I'd either be at church or headed there, but tonight I am sick as dog. I'm sitting in bed with my dad's laptop,and decided to write up this post.

Thursday morning it was cold and foggy. I took a picture to remember the moment.

Thursday night, my Sunday school teacher had an activity for our senior girls class.It was a lot of fun. The quality of these pictures are going to be terrible because they are all from phones, but oh well. :)

I needed a ride because the place we were going is like 45 minutes away from my house, so I went to my best friend's house and to her violin lessons.

I came straight from school and had just gotten out of P.E., so I borrowed her straightener and wave-fied my hair. I know I am making an embarrassingly awkward face here, but I am just an awkward person, and selfies are awkward as it is! haha

Me and my best friend's little sister, a friend of mine, waiting for  my friend's violin lessons to end. :)

I creepily captured a picture of my bff violining it up. She is seriously an awesome violinist though!

So once the lessons were over, we drove across the street and met up with my Sunday school class at this place called the Habit.

It was pretty good, but not so good that I'm dying to go back. Nothing beats In-N-Out for me! :)

mah food. and mah water.

The manager of the hamburger place came to our table and told us all he loved our winter wear haha. I wasn't in winter wear as I left my jacket at school. I didn't need it really though as it wasn't really cold. Anyways, the manager asked what we were doing and my teacher said we were going Christmas caroling. She meant to say we were going to look at Christmas lights! haha so later the man comes back over and asks us to sing for him, so we did and he gave us ten bucks. Pretty cool haha.

After eating, we all carpooled over to this neighborhood. The entire cul-de-sac is covered in lights and synchronized to music.It's pretty cool.While we were there, my parents and three of my little siblings showed up not knowing I was there haha. 

My class in front of one of the houses. 

Ok the next pictures I took from facebook. The neighborhood has a page. :)

After looking at the lights, we went to Starbucks. I'm not a coffee drinker, and I never go to Starbucks, but I tried the peppermint hot chocolate and I liked it enough. I ended up getting home at 10:30 absolutely exhausted, but it was such a fun day.

And lastly, yesterday we decorated our tree. Purple and gold for the Lakers, baby!!:)

Sorry the quality of most of these pictures are so bad.I need to find my camera charger! 

Merry Christmas,everyone!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


So I never blog anymore. I miss it so much. I really should deactivate my blog, but I am waiting a few more days.

So, I am calling the DMV tomorrow to schedule my license test. SO EXCITED! Seriously, I have been waiting my entire life for this! haha

I feel like my life is sort of boring right now. Since I technically don't have a blog, I don't think much of blogging, so I have nothing to blog about.

Next week I might be going to either the beach or the garment district in Los Angeles. I'm hoping for both. :) So, of course I can blog next week.

If I do go to the beach, you can expect a LOT of sunset pictures. Winter sunsets at the beach are ah-mah-zing. I love being a Californian. I can go to the ocean in Decemeber. (BAM!)

(although I wouldn't mind a cold snowy winter for once!)

Well, I guess to end this post, I will share with you something I am so excited about.

I am finally getting this shirt. I have been wanting this shirt ever since I saw it (ironically) on a person in Arizona. 

I have searched my state high and wide for it and finally found it online for a good price. I figured if I'm moving to Kentucky soon, I need to represent my home state.

And this is like my favorite shirt. ever. 

pEACE oUT. <3


Friday, November 9, 2012

Hey! I miss blogging!

I miss blogging so so so much! :( I can't wait until I graduate and I can blog regularly again. Now, I have tried and tried and tried to do some kind of update post forever but my ipod kept crashing when I tried to make my blog public again, so I finally got on a computer and now here I am! :) I think there are two other posts if you wish to read them, so go ahead if you want. :)

So life lately? I don't know, there really isn't much to say.

I'm well on my way to getting my license! (eeek!!!) hopefully sometime this month I will have it. I seriously cannot wait!!!

And, the weather here FINALLY cooled down! It's been California cold the past three days (praise God!!)

In other news, I've been thinking A LOT about college. Mostly stressing about it. I want to go to college, but I don't feel emotionally or financially prepared to do so. The college that I wanted to go to was all the way near Chicago and that is pretty far from California. Not to mention Chicago is so completely different than where I live. It's freezing cold in the winter, there is no beach, no In-N-Out, no family nearby. It scares me. It scares me how fast life passed. Seriously, it feels like last month I was a little 3rd grader in my first year at "real" school. (I was homeschooled until 3rd grade when I joined the private school I attend now) and now I'm a senior, approaching my last semester of high school and I'm scared to death!

So then, my dad told me that he might be able to go work in Kentucky. He works for Toyota, and I guess there is a plant out there in the Hebron area where he might be able to get a job. California is soooo expensive. Gas prices are literally like $5.00 a gallon. (ok, not this week, it got down to like $4.30 or something and I think I even saw some $3.79 gas last week and rejoiced over that). Houses are expensive, EVERYTHING costs a lot. The cost of living in Kentucky vs the cost of living in California is so different. We could live like kings out in Kentucky my dad says. He would be making the same amount of money he is making here, but the prices of everything out there are cheaper.

So, while my dad was looking into moving to Kentucky, he found out that there is a good college out there very similar to the one I planned to go to in Chicago. It is only like an hour away from where he would be working and it is cheaper than the Chicago college. I really really like the idea of that college and so now I'm considering packing up and moving to Kentucky! Never in my wildest dreams would I have done that. So life in the college area is pretty crazy.

I love California. I will forever be a California girl no matter where I end up living. I love the diversity of my state the most. From the terrain to the people to the food. Everything is diverse. There are so many different cultures and things to do. Diverse is probably the best word to describe California. Do you want to snowboard, surf, and go camping in the desert all on the same day? Well you can, and then you can hit up Disneyland and In-N-Out, and Guadalajara tomorrow. I think I need to dedicate an entire post to my beloved state. Seriously.

So with that being said I would miss the diversity of California, really I would miss California period. I would miss my friends and my church. But I know I need to grow up, and moving to Kentucky might be the best thing I could do for my future right now.

So I will of course keep you all updated in that area. I will try to do an update post like this once in a while. Maybe once a month or something. Maybe during Christmas break I will blog more regularly.

Well I love you all, and I miss blogging so much. So since I feel no post is complete without pictures, I'm going to leave you with a few. :) Most of them are beach related cuz of this post, I'm in a beach mood.

beautiful Oceanside. This is a picture I took from the pier.

Sunset and rocks. (Oceanside)
The beach at sunset literally mesmerizes me.Last time I was there I stayed in the water until after the sun went down and it was...magical.
Oceanside. Sunset and sand.
Ok and now for some life pictures:
Me. In case you forgot what I looked like. And my new hair color if you hadn't seen it yet.

i got in a car accident...JK! I was a zombie for halloween :)

I decorated my bed. :)

Love you all! Until next time,


Thursday, October 25, 2012


I miss blogging so so so much guys!!!! I decided to pop and just give a little life updated. I gotta keep you all posted! I bet everyone forgot about me haha

Well since I last blogged I've dyed my hair black! :) (I always liked black hair best on me:D)

I started school (mixed emotions) so sad it's my last year, yet so glad at the same time. The first few weeks of school were rough to say the least, but I was able to work some stuff out and I got out of the math class I was in which was the root of all the evil, and now life is so much better. Ferreal.

Umm what else? Maybe maybe I will get my license next month maybe (yes 3 maybes were necessary!). If I get it, I'll pop in to blog about it. :)

Hmm wow I should've thought this post out! Well let's see. My best friend broke up with her boyfriend, my other two best friends who were together broke up, so my best friend and the other best friend got together. Confusing and drama. Two things I despise haha.

Oh and I was featured as a friend of fresh modesty on!!! So excited about that!

Ok well I'll leave my blog up for a while. :/ then it's back to never ever blogging land until who knows when.

Oh and I went to a football game which was fun. The picture is my friends Elisa, Elyse, Elizabeth, and then there's me. Tabitha. Or I shall
Change my name to Eltabitha so as not to break the El pattern....

<3 to all.

Fall...I adore thee

I love fall. With a passion. The beautiful colors, the wonderful smells, the crisp air, the sunrises...the list could go on for days.

Living in my part if Southern California. We don't experience fall. Or winter. Or spring. We experience summer for sure though.

I got to wear a jacket the other day. I took a picture to remember the moment. :)
I would love to live in a place with mild springs where everything is flowery and green, and then warm sunny summers that don't last 11 months, and then beautiful falls where the leaves change colors and you can wear scarves and hats and jackets and boots, and then cold harsh winters with snow and wind and sledding and snowball fights and snowmen.

That is not where I live. It usually goes like this.

Spring---around February it gets warmer. Usually into the 80's.
Summer---starts around Feb/March. Temperatures starting at 90 and quickly climbing to 100 and them 110+. By October, it's usually down to 95-100.
Fall---if we're lucky, the last week of October, we'll be in the 70's. cold enough for a sweater. By November it's usually 65-70 degrees and that is our fall.
Winter---December-January. The coldest months. Usually averaging 65 or something. There can be certain 50 degrees cold days but they're rare.

Then it's summer all over again.

But I still love fall. On my street there are trees that actually change color sometimes! I love it!

I really just like the break from the never ending heat.

I want to bake again now that it's cool enough. I need to get some stuff ASAP.

Well I hope you all are enjoying your fall. What's the weather like there? And do you have seasons?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm not sure what to title this, so we will see if I even end up titling it. ;)

Today i went to this little amusement park. It's really small and I have an annual pass so it gets boring after a while. But I went with friends and it was fun. I'm exhausted now though.

Oh and I went to a thrift store and got a really awesome shirt. I'm weird in that I like skulls haha. I don't have many skull things and it might seem all gothic or weird but idk we all have skulls don't we? Haha

And my skull stuff isn't like gothic looking. You'll see that in the picture of my new shirt :).

And I also got a sweater that is a few sizes too big, but I like the oversized look. I love sweaters, but here in southern California, there aren't many opportunities to wear them. :( sadface

Get ready for awkward mirror pics! (after posting I noticed the empty toilet paper roll on the counter...haha and my extreme awkwardness, but I'm an awkward person. Haha)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Doctor doctor

I think because I know I won't have my blog for much longer, I feel like I reaaalllyy need to blog! Sunday my blog goes away for awhile. :(( so until then I'm going to post as much as possible.

This is just going to be one of those random update posts. :)

Well, there's a new California law where in order to go back to school, you have to get a pertussis shot. (Needles!!! :/) so I went to the doctor and we talked about other stuff because I hadnt been to the doctor in like idk 10-11 years (baaaad)

So I have chronic lower back pain and it turns out it is because one of my legs is longer than the other. I have stretches to do and I need to get X-rays of my spine as well.

I also get really bad headaches and with that, the doctor thinks I may be hypoglycemic and he ordered blood tests. I'm nervous (more needles!) I am not really nervous about the hypoglycemia part, more so about the needles and then if it isn't hypoglycemia, then what is it? Your prayers are appreciated, mostly for the needles part.

I think what I will do since I can't blog regularly is maybe I will pop in every month or two with a little update. It would be hard to leave blog land behind for so long. I love blogging!!!

And because every post needs a picture, here's one of my 7 year old bro in my glasses. He's so cute. :))

See you later alligator...

Maybe you've noticed, maybe you haven't but I made my blog private. It's going to be this way until May unfortunately.

I attend a strict private school and we aren't allowed to have social networks. I really thought this just included Facebook or MySpace (I know 1 person who has one haha) but we had a meeting and they said any and all cyber presences. Instagram, blogger, YouTube...anything. So I won't be blogging again until May when I graduate.

Pretty crazy! My very last year of high school! I have mixed emotions about it. I'm ready to be done with school but not ready to grow up and move on. At least I have 9 months to get used to the idea.

Before I go I shall leave you with pictures of me in my brand new glasses.

I'm blind as a bat dear children and I'm almost out of contacts so I got these babies. :)

If any of you would like to keep in touch you can reach me at my personal email:
Awesome right. :) you are mooorreeee than welcome to email me. In fact I'd love it.

I'd also like to give a shout out out to Tabitha (Tabasaur) She emailed asking where my blog went and so I decided to write a quick post about it. You should really check out her blog. It's cool and we have the same name. I'm on my iPod so I can't post a link but this is her blog address: so yup check it out. ;D

And as for my glasses pics...yes it is a lot. But they were new and I got two pairs and and it's fun to play model. Okay? <3

Well it's sad for me to a while crocodile...:/

Friday, August 3, 2012

Kitchen Adventures: Deviled Eggs

I decided it would be kind of cool to start a little series here on my blog entitled Kitchen Adventures. I love cooking and baking and I thought that if I blogged about it it would be fun and help me to experiment more. So today I decided to make deviled eggs and blog about it.  
I love deviled eggs and a few weeks ago I looked up how to make them and I was suprised by how easy it is!

All you need is mayonnaise, mustard, and of course hard boiled eggs, and you can add salt and pepper to Tate. You probably have all of these ingredients now!

So you cut your hard boiled eggs in half length wise.

Then you scoop out the yolks and put in a few tablespoons of mayonnaise, and the TINIEST bit of mustard. I always put a little mayo first, mix a bit, and add more if I need it.

Then you spoon the mixture into the eggs and voila that is all it takes! Deviled eggs are delicious and easy!

The finished product!!

Grocery planning

Late night posting again. ;)

I just got done writing up a grocery list. Grocery lists aren't something that my family uses frequently. We probably should use them more, but often, we do a kind of impulse shopping. It's like Friday comes, we're low on food, go to the grocery store and buy the exact same stuff as last week. *thumbs down*

My dad does all of the grocery shopping, and my mom isn't very domestic so when it comes to cooking, often times it isn't exactly
Creative meals and hardly ever homemade.

I love homemade meals though, and somehow I was born domestic, so this week I took it upon myself to write up a list and a meal plan and I think this might actually save my family money, and that is always a good thing. :)

If any of you guys know of any good, cheap recipes let me know!! I'm gonna conquer the kitchen! :D

I'll have to post about my kitchen adventures as the week goes by. I'm trying something new (making Sopes!!!! Yyyaaayyy) and I'm going to create my own kind of meal. We shall see how that goes. :)

Goodnight everyone!!

Or good morning it's 1:10 am here. :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nature drives

Late night posting FTW. :)

Currently I'm sitting outside, drinking a glass of water. A few minutes ago I was watching the Olympics. So proud of my country for winning gold in gymnastics and men's swimming!!! Winning a gold medal must be a crazy, surreal experience. I get goosebumps watching it! Those people worked their whole lives for that moment. It's just awesome.

Anyways, the title of this post is nature drives, so I'll get onto that.

Ever since I was a little kid, my da liked to take nature drives. We drie around looking for animals. Haha it was kinda fun.

Today we went on a nature drive (I drove :D). It was just me and my dad. There is a little reserve not too far from my house and first of all, it was a really fun drive, and second of all, it was beautiful.

We were looking for coyotes, deer, or tarantulas and we ended up seeing deer and owls and a BEAUTIFUL sunset. I love sunsets. I spammed my instagram followers with sunsets yesterday. :)

Anyways, here are some pictures my beautiful little iPod took today. You known how people name their devices? I named mine Brynna. When you plug her into the computer it says Brynna. :)) ok noooow the pictures.

That place reminds me of Little House
On the Prairie. I love it.